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Begin van die einde van Angela Merkel
June 9, 2019
Front Nasionaal SA
Na die vernederende vertoning van die CDU in Sondag se streekverkiesing in Hesse, het kanselier Angela Merkel vanmiddag haar bedanking aangekondig as partyleier. Sy het gesê dat sy wel haar termyn as kanselier tot 2021 sal voltooi.
Die besluit verswak haar posisie op die Europese politieke toneel enorm en baan die weg vir nog groter politieke welslae deur die regse Alternativ fur Deutschland.
Kenners is van mening dat die einde van die Merkel-era vanmiddag begin het en dat sy waarskynlik nie haar termyn sal voltooi nie, ondanks haar onderneming daartoe.
Plaasvervangers as partyleier vir die CDU het hulle kandidature reeds gestel. Dit sluit in: Freidrich Merz, die leier van die konserwatiewe blok in die Bundestag; Jens Spahn, die konserwatiewe Minister van Gesondheid en die liberale Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, eertydse premier van Saarland en handperd van Merkel.
Daar kan nou geen twyfel meer wees dat Duitsland die liberalisme, sosialisme en Pan-Europese beleidsrigtings van Merkel, tesame met haar swak hantering van immigrasie, ten volle verwerp het nie.
Of dit nog betyds is om Duitsland te red, sal die tyd moet leer. Net soos wat die tyd sal leer oor watter invloed 'n meer konserwatiewe, nasionalistiese koalisieregering van die toekoms op Suid-Afrika sal hê. Merkel is 'n goeie vriendin van die DA se Helen Zille en dit word in sommige kringe aanvaar dat hulle mekaar se politieke denkrigtings beinvloed het oor die jare.
Swart Maandag van 29 Oktober
31 Oktober 2018
N kortlikse artikel van die Swart Maandag soos gereel deur die Nationale Konserwatiewe Party van Suid afrika wat dit gereel het
We spoke to Valerie Byliefeldt, who is the leader of the Limpopo branch of the National Conservative Party. She revealed that the group will ask for help from none other than Donald Trump, in the hope of getting him to follow up from his land expropriation tweet:
“At the main event, where we will be handing over our Memorandum in Pretoria, we want to ask Donald Trump to intervene with the issue of farm murders in South Africa. We are directly asking him for help. ”
“Cyril Ramaphosa has lied to people about the existence of this problem. He went on live television and denied farm murders exist when there have been 62 in the last year. We want to bring this to the attention of the American government.”
Ramaphosa, through a slip of the tongue or otherwise, told Bloomberg that there are no farm killings in SA. His office later moved to clarify the remarks, saying he was referring to the concept of “white genocide”.
Interestingly enough, Byliefeldt soon turned her attention to Julius Malema. She says that all #BlackMonday protesters are invited to open up cases of hate speech against those who incite racist rhetoric, citing Malema’s insistence that white people “must be grateful” he has not called for their genocide.
Who will be supporting #BlackMonday?
No other political party is “officially” supporting the demonstration, but the NCP provincial leader stated that FF+ members have expressed their backing for the march.
We concluded by asking about the controversial use of the apartheid flag at last year’s rally. Multiple displays of the apartheid-era emblems were spotted, sparking a massive debate about racism. However, Byliefeldt said that the organisers “strongly condemn” the flag, and do not want to be associated with it:
“This is a march for all people of all races. Anyone who supports the cause is welcome to join. But any displays of the apartheid flag will not be tolerated by the group. We do not condone it in any way, shape or form.”
Traffic in Pretoria for Monday 29 October
It’s not clear yet what roads will be affected, but if you’re commuting in Pretoria, you can expect delays around The Union Buildings on Monday morning.
Cape Town and Johannesburg have been cited as other places where marches will take place, but it remains to be seen just how many people will turn up. We will be sure to bring you any significant traffic updates, as and when we get them.
Oorhandiging van die Memorandum aan die Amerikaanse Ambasade om hulp te vra vir ons Boer Vol
31 Oktober 2018
Pretoria - Black Monday organisers are pleading for help from the international community to put pressure on the government to act against the "white genocide” taking place in the country.
The group which refers to themselves as Black Monday alongside the National Conservative Party (NCP) made their way from Moloto road all the way to Arcadia to ask for intervention from the American and Australian embassies in Pretoria.
The petition delivered to both embassies calls for the South African government to act without delay to mobilise its security apparatus and its security forces to protect its citizens from farm murders.
Especially those of minority ethnic groups from murder, incitement to murder and acts of genocide.
Similarly they pleaded for pressure to be exerted on the government in order to ensure attacks on the farming community were regarded as '"priority crimes."
With the establishment of a specialist investigation and prosecution unit to focus specifically on farm killings.
Something the organisers believed was being overlooked by the government and president Cyril Ramaphosa.
Failure by the government to intervene in the matter the NCP, vowed they would look into instituting legal steps based on criminal, civil and international law against Ramaphosa, ministers in the safety and security cluster, the high command of the SAPS and the National Defence Force in their official and personal capacities.
The National leadership of the movement said their decision to bring their plea to the embassies was as a result of parties such as the EFF, ANC, BLF inciting and calling for genocide in the country.
But also to stop farm murders and land expropriation, divorce the corrupt socialist state and claim self-determination.
“This is unacceptable and we would like people to intervene. There isn’t enough intervention taking place,” said Edward Richardson.
Valerie Byliefeldt, National Chairperson of The Black Monday movement South Africa and Secretary-General of NCP Limpopo sector, said even if the international communities ignored their plea they would not stop running campaigns to highlight the dire state minority groups were suffering.