Ben Shapiro is doing an excellent job in debunking the myth of White Privilege. for there are no such a thing as White Privilege at all. White people are known to be hard workers and earned for what they have and also working towards to leave an inheritance behind for their descendants, thinking generational in their approach, therefore thinking long term. Marxists sees that as a threat and that is why they create these cliches to punish accomplishment and at the same time prevent Blacks from accomplishing anything by putting these nonsense in their heads of racism or White privilege or previous disadvantage. The real racism are done by the Leftists, the Marxists who need victims and therefore need to keep Blacks from accomplishing anything by keep throwing the White Privilege nonsense to them to keep them down and dependence on Government while punishing those who accomplished something, like the Christian Western Civilization, by calling the Legacy of the Christian Western Civilization racist and remnants of the Western Imperialism.
The reason for it is that wherever Communism and Socialism were applied, we see failure and also misery and poverty, each nation where it was applied, Western nation as well as in Africa and Asia and Latin America, we see failure and poverty and corruption. Yet because wherever Protestant Christianity was applied with Free Enterprise system, they have to take these Christian Western Civilization down through these semantics like White Privilege, Racism and hate and discrimination even those don't exist, so that all will be equal in poverty. It is about power. The reality is all these semantics are nonsense and myths and Socialism and Communism, en general Liberalism or progressivism just don't work, never has never wil, neither does big government work work nor Multi-Culturalism